Blonde Roots by Bernadine Evaristo

Hello My Cakers,  Bakers and Beauties!

This is just a short post to bring your attention to this book:Blonde Roots by Bernadine Evaristo

This was an interesting read, the premise is that the Transatlantic Slave Trade has been reversed and Africans have enslaved Europeans,  young Doris Scagglethorpe (known by her slave name of Omorenomwara) must attempt to escape from her cruel master if she hopes to ever see her family again.

It’s not clear to me when the novel is supposed to be set as it seems like it is different periods in History in the different geographical locations,  don’t let that put you off though, because it is still an interesting read and well worth borrowing from your local library, The author herself is of duel parentage -Nigerian and British.


